Filings data

Get royalty-free filings data.

Digested financials

Income statement, earnings statement, and balance sheet data in an easy-to-use format for royalty-free reporting, modeling, and backtesting. Query our database or receive nightly files. The data is from SEC forms 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F, and variants. Same-day data processing and delivery. History available to 2012.

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Raw filings data

The same underlying data as the Digested financials product, but in a narrow data structure, exactly as taken from the source documents. Use royalty-free. Corrections and split data in separate tables. Query our database or receive nightly files.

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Insider data

The contents of SEC Form 4 filings in a table. Same-day data processing and delivery. Query our database or receive nightly files. Use royalty-free.

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